Ahh, I'm so excited! It's the best feeling ever to be DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL. Especially when I'm about to have a baby. I feel a huge weight off of my shoulders. Now I can just focus on resting, making money, myself, Andrew, and of course, baby Cole. I'm very excited, but I'm also getting VERY nervous to have Cole. But I'm getting myself ready. And although I believe that I will never be fully ready to have a baby at this age, or honestly any age, but I'm trying really hard to be "grown-up". Or as grown up as an 18 year old can be.
Anyway, work is getting better. I'm getting some more hours, even though it's still hard to make my 2 payments every month. I'm going to have to ask my mom to make one of them this month AGAIN, because my check this week isn't enough to cover both of my payments that are due NEXT TUE & WED.
On the lighter side, Andrew's turning 18 on Monday. dun dun dunnn....
that means he has to FINALLY tell his dad I'm pregnant. I wonder how mad his dad will be.. I WOULD BE LIVID. Especially because I'm 27 weeks pregnant, I feel that he hasn't gotten a chance to be a part of his first grandson's life. Even though Cole isn't born yet, he's technically a human being. I don't know, I guess we'll find out next week what's going to happen....
I can't think of anything else to update on except that Andrew & I are doing better than usual. He's been really making me happy lately & proud. He's really starting to think about the baby and the future and what not. We'll see if he actually goes thru with anything though..I hope so, he needs a job. I need the extra lil bit of money. :p but oh well, I can be an independent mama if I need to be!
Alllllright, I'm going to go look for my boyfriend now, since apparently he's going to be partying all night because it's his birthday weekend...WISH ME LUCK! goodnight*
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